walk-in- interwiew
informed their willingness for the selection of Apprentice Trainees from among the VHSE MLT students.
They prefer to conduct a walk-in- interwiew
as detailed below for the selection of the same.
Date: 17-12-2009
Time: 04-00 pm
Venue: RDS Laboratories, Main Lab,
Dr: A.R.Menon Road, Naickanal,
Thrissur 680 001
Phone No: 9447735364 / 9446363236
VHS Schools are requested to take necessery meassres to inform the MLT Students those who passed VHS Examination ( in 2007 March or in examinations conducted thereafter) to attend the Interwiew. Please do the needful to make it sure that atleast two students from your school will attend the Interview.
informed their willingness for the selection of Apprentice Trainees from among the VHSE MLT students.
They prefer to conduct a walk-in- interwiew
as detailed below for the selection of the same.
Date: 17-12-2009
Time: 04-00 pm
Venue: RDS Laboratories, Main Lab,
Dr: A.R.Menon Road, Naickanal,
Thrissur 680 001
Phone No: 9447735364 / 9446363236
VHS Schools are requested to take necessery meassres to inform the MLT Students those who passed VHS Examination ( in 2007 March or in examinations conducted thereafter) to attend the Interwiew. Please do the needful to make it sure that atleast two students from your school will attend the Interview.