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Grace Marks

Grace marks are given to school going regular candidates for their achievements in State level competitions during their First and Second Year separately in the respective First / Second Year Higher Secondary Examinations. Application for grace marks shall be collected from all eligible candidates of the school. The Principal shall verify the eligibility of the candidates and attest the copies of the certificates / Admission tickets produced. Consolidated list shall be prepared item wise and the same shall be forwarded to the Secretary before the last date prescribed (24.02.2014) with due recommendation. Grace marks are awarded for the achievements in the following items as recorded below:

Higher Secondary Youth Festival/Special School Youth Festival

Grace Marks are given to the winners in the state level Higher Secondary School youth festival/special school youth festival as given below:-
1.A Grade - 5% of the aggregate score
2.B Grade - 4% of the aggregate score
3.C Grade - 3% of the aggregate score
[Grace Marks are awarded to the eligible students who have participated / are winners in Island and U.T. level Kalolsav with effect from 2011-2012 academic year based on the guidelines issued as per G.O.(Rt) No. 40/2011/Gl.Edn. dated, 16.02.2011.]

State Level Sasthramela

1.A Grade - 5% of the aggregate score
2.B Grade - 4% of the aggregate score
3.C Grade - 3% of the aggregate score

Bala Sasthra Congress

State Level :
1.A Grade - 5% of the aggregate score
2.B Grade - 4% of the aggregate score
3.C Grade - 3% of the aggregate score
Southern Regional Level :
1.A Grade - 15% of the aggregate score
2.B Grade - 13% of the aggregate score
3.C Grade - 11% of the aggregate score
National Level :
1.Participation - 15% of the aggregate score


Grace marks are given to candidates for their achievements in the sports and games as detailed below.Maximum grace marks awarded in this category will be 50% of the aggregate score.
State Level :
First Place - 5% of the aggregate score
Second Place- 4% of the aggregate score
Third Place - 3 % of the aggregate score
National Level :
First Place/Winner (Gold Medalist) - 15% of the aggregate score
Second Place/Runner Up - 13% of the aggregate score
Third Place - 11% of the aggregate score
Participation - 10% of the aggregate score.
International Level :
Participation only - 20% of the aggregate score
[Director, Higher Secondary Education, will decide percentage of grace marks for Winners, Runner up and Third place holders in International participation]

NCC Cadets

10% scores will be awarded to NCC Cadets as grace marks during Second Year only on satisfying the following four conditions.
1.The candidate should be in the rank of Corporal or above.
2.The candidates are holders of A, B or C certificates.
3.The candidate must have represented any one centrally organized camp.
4.The benefit of granting of 5% scores grace marks to NCC cadets is awarded in Higher Secondary Examination in the Naval Attachment/Army Attachment/Pre Republic Day Camp(RDC)/Pre-Nau Sainik Camp(NSC) camps.
5% Grace Marks is awarded to NCC cadets who have attained 75% attendance [(G.O.(Ms) No.125/12/Gl.Edn., dated 20.04.2012]
Application for grace marks for NCC is submitted in duplicate, one copy to the Secretary, Board of Higher secondary Education and the other to Deputy Director General, NCC. Marks are awarded on the basis of the recommendation of the Director General, NCC.

NSS Volunteers

Marks are awarded on the basis of the recommendation of the State Co-ordinator NSS. Grace Marks in Higher Secondary Examination to NSS Volunteers is awarded as detailed below
NSS Volunteers having NSS Certificates - 2%
NSS Volunteers attended National Camps - 3%
NSS Volunteers attended Republic Day Camps - 5%

Student Police Cadets[SPC]

Grace Marks for Students Police Cadets are awarded as per G.O.No 214/12/Home, dated 04.08.2012

Quiz Competition by State Legal Services Authority

First winning team (3 students) - 5 Marks
Second winning team (3 students) - 3 Marks

Bala Sree Awards

Those candidates who have been awarded the Bala Sree awards given away by the National Bal Bhavan which is a Central Government undertaking, are eligible for 5% grace marks as per G.O.(MS) No.151/2013/Gl.Edn. dated 02.05.2013.

Grace Marks to Students of Mahe Region

As per G.O(Ms) No. 179/2013/G.Edn. dated 31.05.2013 Government accorded sanction for awarding grace marks to the eligible students of Mahe region of Union Territory of Puduchery who have participated / winners in Union Territory level / National level
Sports, Arts and Science festivals / fairs from the academic year 2012-2013 onwards.The criteria for awarding such grace marks will be based on the guidelines issued as per G.O.(Ms) No.40/2011/G.Edn. dated 16.02.2011.

Conditions for Awarding Grace Marks

  • The benefit of eligible grace marks for achievements in the First Year Course shall be awarded for the First Year Examination only and for achievement in the Second Year Course, for the Second Year Examination only.
  • The grace mark will be limited to 5%,4% and 3% of maximum marks for papers respectively for A,B and C grade.
  • The preference will be for attaining minimum mark for becoming ‘Eligible’ i.e, grade D+.
  • Second preference will be for lifting the lowest grade to the next higher grade and so on.
  • When a student is eligible for grace marks for different items, the item with highest grace mark only will be considered.
  • The grace mark to mentally retarded and hearing impaired will be 25%.
  • If a student appears for lesser number of papers only, the percentage will be calculated based on the number of papers appeared for. If the student appears for SAY, the grace mark will be calculated for the papers appeared in SAY scheme. Grace marks will not be given for subsequent appearances.
  • A candidate who has secured the maximum scores for a paper is not eligible for grace marks for that subject and those marks will not be transferred to any other subject.
  • The maximum marks that can be secured after awarding grace marks will be decided by the Director of Higher Secondary Education.
  • Grace marks will be given to the candidates irrespective of whether they are eligible for higher studies or not in the examinations.
  • The individual grace marks will not be shown separately in the certificate.
  • The benefit of eligible grace marks will be extended to the candidates only in any one of the 3 levels (viz., State, National or International) during the course of study.
  • Grace marks will be awarded to candidates after effecting the moderation declared by the Board of Examination. Candidates coming within the limit of moderation after the award of grace marks will also be given the benefit of moderation.
  • The application for award of grace marks for Youth Festival Sastra Ganitha, Sastra Samuhya,Sastra Pravarti Parijaya Mela / I.T. Mela and Sasthra Congress shall be submitted to the Joint Director(Exam), Higher Secondary Education.
  • The application for award of grace mark for sports should be submitted in duplicate, one copy to the Secretary, Board of Higher secondary Education and the other to the Director of Public Instructions (DPI).
  • The grace marks for sports and games are awarded on the basis of the recommendation of the DPI,for NSS on the basis of the recommendation of the State Co-ordinator, NSS and that for NCC on the recommendation of NCC Directorate. [For more details please refer HSE Notification 2013-14].
Application for Grace Mark
Awarding Grace Marks to NCC Cadets-Plus Two- 10%. Circular
Awarding Grace Marks to NCC Cadets-Plus Two 5% Circular
Application form for Grace Mark to NCC Cadets - Plus Two 10%
Application form for Grace Marks to NCC Cadets Plus Two 5%
Criteria for Award of Grace Marks to NCC Cadets
Higher Secondary Examination Notification 2013-14

Non Vocational Lecturers Association (NVLA)

The organization was formally registered in 1997 (Reg. No. GO (RT) No.1151/97/G. Edn dtd 5/4/1997) though it took shape as early as 1992

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